Thursday 24 April 2014

Human bady facts : The Eyes
Our eyes are one of the most fascinating and complex parts of the body. Almost every animal in the animal kingdom relies on them everyday, but how much do we really know about eyes, and how they work?
Here are fun facts that you may not know about eyes.
1.Eyes are thought to have first developed in animals, in a very basic form, around 550 million years ago.
2.The world’s most common eye colour is brown.
3.Your eye is the fastest muscle in your body – hence why when something happens quickly, we say ‘in the blink of an eye!’
4.You see with your brain, not your eyes. Our eyes function like a camera, capturing light and sending data back to the brain.
5.Dogs can’t distinguish between red and green.
6.We have two eyeballs in order to give us depth perception – comparing two images allows us to determine how far away an object is from us.
7.Eye colour is determined by the amount of melanin in your iris.
8.20/20 vision simply means that you have normal vision.
9.Your eyes become tired when you read or stare at a computer, this is because you blink less often.
10.Although our nose and ears keep growing throughout our lives, our eyes remain the same size from birth.
11.You blink more when you talk.
12.Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in adults in the UK.
13.People generally read 25 times slower on screen than on paper.
14.All babies are colour blind at birth.
15.The first blue-eyed person is said to have lived 6,000-10,000 years ago.
16.It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
17.An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
18.The human eye can see 500 shades of grey.
19.You blink on average 4,200,000 times a year.
20.The cornea is the only tissue in the human body which doesn’t contain blood vessels.
21.The human eye can function at 100% at any given moment, without needing to rest.
22.Smoking reduces your night vision.
23.Eyelashes have an average lifespan of five months.
24.A newborn baby will cry, but not produce any tears. Babies do not produce tears until they are around six weeks old.
25.Our eyes are made up of over 200 million working parts.
26.In the right conditions and lighting, humans can see the light of a candle from 14 miles away.
27.The shark cornea is used in human eye surgery as it is the most similar to the human cornea.
28.80% of vision impairment worldwide is curable.
29.The human eye only sees three colours, red, blue and green. All other colours are combination of these.
30.A camel’s eyelashes can measure up to 10cm long, to protect its eyelashes from blowing sand and debris in the desert.
31.One of the most common cosmetic injuries is poking the eyeball with a mascara wand.
32.The eye muscles are the most active muscles in the human body.
33.The eyes of a chameleon are independent from each other, allowing it to look in two different directions at once.
34.It’s possible to blink five times in a single second.
35.Your eyes contain around 107 million light sensitive cells.
36.Your eyes contain 7 million cones which help you see colour and detail, as well as 100 million cells called rods which help you to see better in the dark.
37.Geckos can see colours around 350 times better than a human, even in dim lighting.
38.A blink typically lasts 100-150 milliseconds.
39.Blue-eyed people share a common ancestor with every other blue-eyed person in the world.
40.Our eyes close automatically to protect us from perceived dangers.
41.Your eyelashes keep dirt out of your eyes.
42.The largest eye on the planet belongs to the Colossal Squid, and measures around 27cm across.
43.Your eyebrows prevent sweat dripping into your eyes.
44.Heterochromia refers to a condition where your eyes are two different colours.
45.Our eyes are positioned in a hollowed eye socket, to protect the eye.
46.Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
47.The study of the iris is called iridology.
48.Eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain.
49.The Mayans believe that cross-eyes are attractive and would make efforts to ensure their children became cross-eyed.
50.A dragonfly has 30,000 lenses in its eyes, assisting them with motion detection and making them very difficult for predators to kill.


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